

广州市富腾建材科技有限公司成立于上世纪八十年代,是一家专业从事生产和销售金属铝天花、铝幕墙等建筑装饰产品的大型企业,公司除目前自建有 40000多平米的生产厂房外,近期还自购用于生产建设用地200 亩,进一步扩大产能,充分满足客户对本公司产品的需求。

公司成立 30 多年来,产品先后被应用于数以千计的典型工程,包括北京人民大会堂、国家奥林匹克体育中心、深圳火车站、广州火车站、广州地铁站、广州高铁站、厦门高崎国际机场、重庆江北国际机场、广州南方电网调度中心、全国九运会场馆、广州中信广场以及全国五十多处的万达广场等等众多大型建筑装饰用材,产品除满足国内各类大中型工程项目的装修外,还远销国外各地,截止到 2017 年底,年销售额达 5 个多亿。公司产品包括:铝单板、铝方通、铝窗花,铝条扣、铝挂片、铝格栅以及各种非标造型的天花板。各产品均具精巧的结构及吊装系统,并可根据设计要求,精确加工成弧形、梯形、跌级等多种造型的装饰要求,创新能力在同行业中独树一帜!产品表面处理有一百多种颜色以及各种仿木纹、石纹、竹纹可供随意选择。


Guangzhou FUTENG Building Materials Technology Co., Lid. was founded in the last century in 80s, is a large enterprise specializing in production and sales of metal aluminum ceiling, aluminum curtain wall decoration products, the company has built in addition to the current more than 40000 square meters of production plant, also recently used in production since the purchase of 200 acres of land for construction, to further expand production capacity, fully meet customer demand for our products.

The company was founded in 30 years, the product has been applied to the typical project of thousands, including the Great Hall of the people in Beiing, the National Olympic Sports Center,the ShenZhen Railway Station, Guangzhou Railway Station, Guangzhou subway station, Guangzhou high speed rail station, Xiamen International Airport, Chongqing Jiangbei International Airpont, Guangzhou Southern Power Grid Dispatching Center, the nine national games venues, Guangzhou CITIC Plaza and more than 50 national Wanda Square and other large building materials, all kinds of products in the domestic large and medium-sized project decoration, but also exported to the foreign country, by the end of 2017, annual sales reached 5 billion. The company’s products include: Single aluminum plate, square tube, aluminum window, aluminuim buckle, aluminum hanging films, aluminum grille and a variety of non-standard shape of the ceiling. Each product has exquisite structure and hoisting system, and can be processed into various decorative requirements such as arcs, trapezoidal and falling grades according to design requirements. Innovation ability is unique in the same industry. The surface treatment of the product has more than 100 colors, as well as all kinds of imitation wood, stone and bamboo,

FUTENG technology and production skills fully satisfy your design shapes, the myriads of changes requirements, to design your most incisive play!

· 公司实景 ·